1st Place at ANF-100 Exhibition

The Guest Juror - Laura Domencic, Executive Director - Erie Art Museum, has chosen my photo titled “The Rivers Edge” as the #1 Artwork on display at the Allegheny National Forest 100 year Exhibition being shown this weekend at Crary Art Museum, Warren PA. Thank you to the Crary Staff, Forest Rangers and Laura for their efforts with this important exhibition.

Crary Art Gallery Exhibition

My ‘Shades of Grey, A perspective on carbon based ink prints’ recently shown at Crary Art Gallery in Warren PA was a huge success. Many people visited, from as far away as Rochester NY, to view my art work. A big Thank You to all the Staff and Proctors that worked so tirelessly to make this happen. And a special Thank You to the Board of Directors for selecting my photos to be displayed.

Ines Nelson, Board Member of Crary Art Gallery, stated: “It has truly been a joy to hear the oos and aahhs of people enjoying your work, recognizing the local spots and, talking about the video and, the history of the paper.”

George Wiedenhofer explaining the process behind the “Planted Roots” photograph